Legendary Soap Lake coach honored before Eagle's homecoming game - iFIBER One News

SOAP LAKE - Soap Lake High School celebrated its 60th anniversary Friday night at its homecoming game. All the Soap Lake graduates lined up in order of the time graduated and were celebrated for their part in Soap Lake.

The marquee moment of the night was when former coach and teacher Bill Gardener was honored by having the field named after him.

Gardener is a big part of the Soap Lake community and has been for years. This night was a special one for him as many people across all ages expressed their gratitude for Gardener and all he’s done for them.

Gardener expressed his thoughts on his journey of how he got to this point.

"Thinking back over the years, I think the thing that I cherish the most is the kids that I worked with and what they became later," Gardener said.

Athletic Director Keith Laughlin explains why Gardener was chosen to have the field named after him.

"Well, Bill Gardener's been a part of this community for a great many years," Laughlin said. "He's set a great standard here at the school."

After the celebration the Eagles hit the field to take on the Brewster Bears. After a quick touchdown strike the Bears controlled the clock with their relentless running attack beating the Eagles 42-13.

Regardless of the outcome of the game, the night is still special to the Soap Lake community and the Bill Gardener Field will see many wins in the coming years.


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