City of Soap Lake water rates to increase by 20%; sewer rates 15% - iFIBER One News

SOAP LAKE - If you live in Soap Lake, it’s likely that your next utility bill will be a bit higher than normal due to a decision made by the city last week.

The Soap Lake city council decided to increase water rates by 20% in 2018 and sewer rates by 15% following a rate study that determined revenue wasn’t keeping up with operational costs.

Prior to adopting the rate increase, the city had typically increased utility rates by as much as 3% per year to keep up with the cost of inflation.

In addition, the rate increase also allows the city to set aside about $250,000 per year for improvement projects.

City of Soap Lake Finance Director Karen Hand said the average utility bill will increase by $13 - $14 dollars.

The agency that conducted the rate study and recommended the increase was FCS Consulting out of Seattle.

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